Saturday, July 11, 2009

Poorly made in China - Paul Midler

cebit asia shanghai chinaLooking for opportunities by dotdean via Flickr
"Why can they make it so cheap in China," is a question asked more than once in Paul Midler excellent account of China's now partly defunct export industry. Midler has been taken many foreign fortune seekers by their hand into the tricky dealings of Chinese business.
They all do not believe their ears, when they get offers from Chinese manufacturers. They know it cannot be done for such a price, but they still go ahead. The trick is of course that Chinese manufacturers cannot make shampoo and other products for the price they initially quote, so they develop strategies to save costs. They make bottles cheaper, they do not fill the whole bottle, they use cheaper ingredients. No trick is off limits and by the time the buyers discover something is really wrong, their commitment to the manufacturer does not allow them to just jump to its neighbor.
"Poorly Made in China: An Insider's Account of the Tactics Behind China's Production Game" is of course a must-read for anybody who enters the China market, looking for export products. But will they, when China's export will be picking up by 2010? I'm afraid not. For people who know China like Paul Midler, the book is a feast of very recognizable situations. But Midler's foreign clients mostly seem realize they have come into an Alice-in-Wonderland situation that is too nice to be true. But they still lose their marbles.
Still, they should read the book, even if it is only after things went wrong in China.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Confronted our selves on a daily basis with the same issues as described in Paul's book, as a third party inspection service company, we recommend this book to every China buyer.
The book is eye opener for everyone considering purchasing from China.
Every experienced buyer will be reminded of some story happening in his/her career.

Paul does not discourage in his book buyers from purchasing in China, nor does he point with a raised finger at Chinese manufacturers. Lightly written and amusing, the book is a perfect bedtime or holiday reading. I am looking forward seeing similar books in the bookshops about the other emerging markets such as India and Vietnam.

Michael Obolensky
Your Eyes on Asia

Inspection and QC Service in China, Vietnam and India