Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dating: hunting for the top - James Farrer

James_4James Farrer by Fantake via Flickr
Online dating in China is becoming very competitive, tells James Farrer of the Sophia University in Tokyo in a CNN article on online dating for the rich, both for men and women.
"Men at the bottom of the social hierarchy are going to have very few chances to meet women," said James Farrer, author of "Opening Up: Youth Sex Culture and Market Reform in Shanghai."
"This is going to be very apparent in the future as poor men with few economic resources just won't find women," Farrer said. "Women won't benefit from this imbalance either. These are the women who are highly educated and have high career ambitions. They will be competing for men at the top of the social hierarchy."
More than ever online dating is going to become en vogue, Farrer says, with 384 million Chinese online according to the latest data:
"People will still meet in all kinds of ways but the development of the relationship online is more important than ever," said Farrer. "It is a way of overcoming shyness, maintaining constant communication with and monitoring of the partner and trying to develop a relationship when you don't have much time to see people. It is definitely extremely important."
James Farrer is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your conference? Do get in touch.
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