Friday, April 23, 2010

The US is not encouraging Chinese investments - Janet Carmosky

Janet_-_023Janet Carmosky by Fantake via Flickr
Waiting for a challenging take on the relations between the US and China? Ask Janet Carmosky. In the new Forbes weblog on China, she explains why Chinese capital cannot be used to purchase assets in the US:
We need to get up to speed so we can get some dollars--and jobs--back. Getting deals packaged and offered properly to attract the money; and then convincing the Chinese to hire smart lawyers and accountants, to talk to the people through the press so there’s back-up when the dragon-slayers attack. It's a sizable cultural gap to span. Especially when a denied visa can send the whole thing into the bin.
Hear that crashing sound, Homeland Security? It' billions of yuan cascading into Australia.
More in Forbes.

Janet Carmosky is also a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need her at your conference? Do get in touch.
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