Friday, December 07, 2012

China Debate - the new Google community tool

English: Google China
English: Google China (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Google+ has been pretty quiet in the past few months without major improvements, but last night we got a big hit as the Google+ Communities were hitting the internet. Google+ did allow personal pages, business pages, but it was not really the right things for groups with not a direct commercial purpose.
But Google Communities is in less than 24 hours become very popular on the internet, although Google has not yet announced it, and we have started our own community China Debate. In most countries the number of communities has been amazing, but because of the special position of Google in China, things are not going that fast in China-related stuff. One other community you should join is Sam Xu's "business in China."
Since it is all very new, we cannot offer a lot of advise - we are still discovering all the new buttons on the different interfaces, but this is a major change for the ways communities are working. The first tutorials are already around and - as always - there is a very active community helping you out to get around.
Let me know if you need any assistance.
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