Showing posts with label Nuclear power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nuclear power. Show all posts

Monday, November 05, 2012

Has nuclear power a chance? - China Weekly Hangout

Nuclear power plant at Grafenrheinfeld in Germany.
Nuclear power plant at Grafenrheinfeld in Germany, to be closed.(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
After the Fukushima disaster in Japan, nuclear power is scrutinized worldwide, and some countries, including Germany, decided to close down nuclear plants altogether. China imposed a 20 month freeze on all plans and its giant building program, but recently decided to move forward again with a ambitious nuclear power program.
The China Weekly Hangout will focus this week on China's nuclear power, how important is it for its energy security, its risks, and what can be the influence of the raising tide of NIMBY protests for those ambitions.
We plan two segments of each 10-15 minutes, one assesment of China's nuclear ambitions, a second on the increasingly successful NIMBY protest.
We are still working on a small expert panel for the event, but if you want to participate, do drop us a line. Also, you can register at the event page, and available here. Here you can also receive updates for this week's program.

The China Weekly Hangout is held on Thursday 8 November, 10pm Beijing Time, 3pm CET (Europe) and 10pm EST (US/Canada).

The Hangout on Nuclear Power has been postponed for two weeks; made a mistake in calculating the daytime saving time in the US. Apologies for those who wanted to watch.

Watch also our September 27 China Weekly Hangout on energy security, with a focus on solar and wind energy.

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