Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Food security and dead pigs - China Weekly Hangout

More than 3,000 dead pigs in Shanghai's Huangpu river illustrated clearly how much is amiss with the food production in China. Scandal after scandal hit the media and internet, and China's inhabitants have a lot of reasons to be worried about the quality of their food, very worried.
At next week's China Weekly Hangout we will be joined by +Richard Brubaker of "Collective Responsibility" and teaching sustainability at the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS). We will have a look into how China's government is (not) dealing with food security, its bureaucratic warfares and the effects for the consumers. We will discuss how worried we should be and what can be done to change this dangerous food situation in China.

The hangout will be held on March 21, 10pm Beijing Time, 3pm CET (Europe) and 9pm EST (US/Canada).
Do you want to join us, ask questions or make you own point? Here you can register on our event page. An overview of earlier hangouts, you can find at our YouTube channel here.

This week, on Thursday 14 March, the China Weekly Hangout will focus on the media in Hong Kong. In the 1990s they were a beacon of hope, and Hong Kong one of few global news capitals. With Paul Fox of the HKU we will discuss the state of Hong Kong media. You can read our announcement here, or directly register at our event page. 

In November 2012 the +Richard Brubaker also joined the China Weekly Hangout to discuss the Chinese plans to restart its ambitious nuclear power program, and the possibility NIMBY protest would derail that plan.

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