Wednesday, January 24, 2007

business - Registering speakers

Well, these things happen. The board of directors of the China Speakers' Bureau has met over lunch and overruled my objections of yesterday against starting to register professional speakers now. Also, they voted against my proposal of a registration fee for the time being.
Argument: there is very little we can offer speakers in the first few months of our operation and some good people might be kept out. I still feel that a large portion of the 137 million Chinese internet users might want to have a try to earn a few thousand US in an hour, let alone the non-Chinese who can already read this, and overrun our email boxes.
We can always introduce a financial barrier in case the online mayhem overruns us. For the time being, it is construction time for our new website and databases.
So, currently we are drafting an email to those people who have expressed interest in the past for becoming a speaker at our new operation. I'm more concerned by getting also speaking opportunities in, but when you think you might qualify as a professional speaker, do drop me an email. You will then get a list with requirements.
Rules of engagement: basically, we earn a living by claiming a percentage of the speakers' fee, so if you like to speak for free, you can always invite me for a cup of coffee.

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