media - China's changing face
ESWN did again a great job in comparing the reports of official media and the internet in putting the killing of one girl - and perhaps three - by local officials in Dazhu, Sichuan province, on the agenda.
Of course, the escalation of the local anger and the burning of the hotel helped too, but in the past this could have been kept out of the publicity. Those days are over and we can even see the burning hotel on youTube.
China Digital Times has a follow up here, telling that some of the officials involved might actually get punished. I'm glad to see CDT is doing translations from Chinese too: crossing the language barrier is becoming more important than collecting the actual stories: that can be done by Google-like search engines.
It would be worthwhile to see how this information stream could be organized, since the number of this kind of incidents is unfortunately countless and - just as happened with the countless mining accidents - you might have to organize the information more in a journalistic way.
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