Wednesday, February 07, 2007

labor - After the labor law, now arbitration at stake

I just had coffee with Chris White, a former trade union leader from Australia who attended a meeting in Beijing as an expert on the Australian labor law. He attended a semi-public meeting, partly organized with UK funding, on labor arbitration in China.
This year the new labor law is expected to be adopted and the issue for next year is going to be labor arbitration. The Renmin University is organizing debate between the different stakeholders and Chris said expecially the official Chinese trade union ACFTU and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security came during the meeting under heavy attack for not doing enough.
The media have not been reporting about this meeting, at least I have not noticed anything. Chris will write up more of his experiences and also talks with the top of the ACFTU and I will let you know if more details emerge.
It looks like there is a strong push top-down to get changes in place, although I understood that nobody is expecting drastic changes very fast.

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