Monday, February 26, 2007

labor - More migrant workers expected to stay home

The annual trend that fewer migrant workers than needed will show up after Spring festival at the gates of Guangdong companies is likely to continue, says the China Economic Review, based on a report in the (unlinkable) South China Moring Post.
Local labor officials estimate that Guangdong's demand for skilled workers will increase 20% this year and the number of ordinary workers needed will rise by 10%. A recent survey showed that there were 7.3 million job vacancies in the province in 2006, but only 4.8 million positions were filled.
The trend, that has also been noted in Fujian province in the past, comes from a slightly improved possibility to make a living back home and increased living costs in Guangdong. Salaries have not compensated enough for the difference, so many migrant workers vote with their feet. It should be noted though that the shortfall is only a few percent of the total number of between 150 and 200 million.

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