Thursday, March 22, 2007

New media hangout in Shanghai

Maria Trombly - who else? - has initiated a tradition that used to be so common among journalists and other media people: a weekly hang-out with alcohol. This evening is the first get-together at the Literature Club at Julu Lu 677 (near Shanxi Lu). Start at 8 PM and it looks like I will drop in, although it might be a little bit later.

1 comment:

Maria Korolov said...

Fons --

To be strictly accurate, I did not initiate this. Another FCC member, Amy L. Sommers -- a partner at
Squire, Sanders & Dempsey L.L.P. -- actually suggested that we do something, and she picked the location.

(I voted for the Russian restaurant, the the Literature Club is more central, closer to the metro. But the Russian restaurant has cheaper alcohol.)

-- Maria