Monday, April 09, 2007

Company, government ruin internet user's life

Zhang Zhijian

Pharmaceutical worker Zhang Zhijian has spent nine months in jail on criminal charges after he reposted a report on the internet, writes the Beijing News, here in a translation by ESWN.
The report detailed accusations of a Hainan-based pharmaceutical company Kongliyuan bribing local officials. Zhang was arrested and accused of damaging the reputation of the company. Zhang said the report was correct:

Based upon my understanding of this industry, I feel that it is basically true. When I think about Kongliyuan's speed and number for the reviews, they lead the nation. In truth, they don't have the ability to do so. From my professional view, I feel that the contents of this essay should be correct.
Finding himself in jail and out of a job for reposting a report, written by some else, makes him still very angry, after he has left jail.
I was innocent to begin with. Why did they deal with me that way? I'm just an ordinary worker. I am not a company president or a department manager. I have nothing personal against Kongliyuan. I only re-posted an essay on the Internet. I don't know why they defined that as a criminal offense.
More at ESWN.

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