Monday, June 11, 2007

After hitting a teacher

He apologized

Remember the uproar after a video of a student hitting his teacher hit the internet? The Chinese media picked up the incident and ESWN has translated some of the detailed reports on what happened that day and afterwards.
It gives many comments from all participants and puts the situation in the class room a bit in perspective. (Although it would never justify hitting a teacher.)
"Attending class is definitely meaningless for me. I made the wrong decision to major in performance arts. Those who not know the inside story will certainly be impressed my major, but how many people really understand this profession? After graduating, the only options are to apply to schools like the Beijing Film Academy or the Central Academy of Drama. If we don't get accepted, we will have just wasted our time at school and the 18,000 yuan has gone down the drain. I am really unsure that I will get accepted by those universities."
What makes the story more than an individual one is the feeling that many schools in the big cities are in a similar situation, educating students for jobs that do not exist.

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