Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Eradicating Tiananmen too effective

An interesting twist in the efforts by the Chinese censors to eradicate the bloodshed at June 4 1989 in Beijing from everybody's memory (at least in China then). ESWN translates (h/t Danwei) a report about an incident where a rather young editor of the Chengdu Evening News allowed an ad into the paper remembering the incident. "Salute to the strong mothers of June 4th victims!", the ad said.
The editor, who had no clue about the crackdown on June 4, 1989 was told that the text referred to an accident that happened in the past. It show how effective censorship can be.
Below a few books to improve your knowledge, that is, if the link is not blocked in China.

Update: The editors involved in this incident have been fired, reports Reuters.

1 comment:

Todd Platek said...

So, Fons, are George Orwell's books translated into Chinese and selling well in Shanghai? In light of the Chinese protests over Japanese historical revisionism, how hypocritical.