Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Finding this blog back at myspace

My blog at myspace
Now this is very weird. I was checking Google to see if me mentioning Trombly Ltd at this place had any effect on its listing. I was happy to see that my weblog was already number three after Maria's own websites. But I also saw something strange on the fifth position: a headline I had been writing.
Myspace is a Microsoft venture, I use Google, nothing to exchange here. All the links go back to my weblog, so there seems no commercial reason to set up a mirror site. I find this very strange.
Update: Found a kind of explanation. Myspace has started a kind of aggregator and they have included me without asking or even telling me. Would have been nice if they would have told me at least. I have now discovered I can opt-out, but opting in would be been a more civilized solution.

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