Tuesday, June 26, 2007

"Sincere apologies for deleting your post"

Danwei translates a comment by entertainment journalist He Dong after the death of cross-talk master Hou Baolin. The original post got entangled in China's internet censorship and at the tail of the article we learn how Sina.com deals with that kind of issue. They are very, very sorry about what they do:
I am a blog customer service manager. I am very sorry to inform you that, for certain reasons, we have temporarily placed your article "The death of a celebrity, a festival for the paparazzi" into the trash folder. You may find your article in the trash folder, please back up the contents!
We are very sorry for taking down your article without your permission, so let me apologize to you here! We understand the trouble you've taken to complete a blog post, and we understand your feelings on having your work deleted.

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