Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The poor state of feedburner

Two apologies to my readers, both concerning my usage of the RSS-feed Feedburner and of course in the first place triggered of by the annoying internet nanny, also known as the GFW, who tries to regulate the internet in China.
First, apology to the readers in China. I noted that the download speed of my weblog was pretty slow and after a while I was informed that my usage of a Feedburner rss-feed might caused the delay. I kicked it off, at least I thought I did, but there was no change. Just now I discovered I had forgotten to get rid of all the script. Now the download speed in China should be up to standard - meaning, still too slow.
Second apology is for the few users who subscribed through Feedburner (although they will not see this entry anymore), you will have to use another feed to subscribe. I hope in this way I will win more readers than I lose.


Anonymous said...


I notified you earlier about the feedburner links and then wondered why you still left them in! :(

Anyway, at last your page loads normally without a proxy. Good news for China readers. :)


lapsaptong said...

hey fons
i don't wanna be smart-ass but... why didn't you remove feedburner after posting this note ;-)
but don't worry, you will still have many readers.
cheers tim

China Herald said...

I actually thought I removed it, but nothing changed. Yesterday I had a look at the coding and discovered there was still some script left. After removing that all was fine.