Friday, April 11, 2008

The crackdown of today: satellite dishes

Satellite Dishes installed on an apartment complexImage via WikipediaShanghai-based bloggers with satellite dishes like Shanghaiist and Marc van der Chijs report that the municipal auhorities have announced they would take action against the hundreds of thousands illegal satellite dishes, allowing people to circumvent boring Chinese tv.
The crackdown on satellite dishes has been an almost annual ritual where relevant government officials get a truck out, fill it with 50, 60 dishes under the eye of a group of Chinese journalists. They report about it so the remaining hundreds of thousands dish owners know they are safe for another year.
This time the annual ritual seems more serious than other years and Marc suggests it might be the Olympics, when Chinese TV-stations want to take out the illegal competition. But that would mean these officials would really have to work very hard and that seems a very unattractive option. Marc quotes a spokeperson:
According to a spokes person people have 3 months to dismantle their receivers, but he added "Dismantlement is not our final target. The administration still hopes satellite owners realize their illegal action and remove them voluntarily."
That more how I know the system.

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