Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Internet, a feedback system for the government - Jeremy Goldkorn

goldkorn_3Jeremy Goldkorn by Fantake via Flickr
China's governments, central, provincial and local, are using the internet increasingly to listen what is happening in their huge country. So, internet analyst and Danwei.org owner Jeremy Goldkorn was not amazed when the central government started a website, allowing its citizens to talk directly to them, he tells CNN.
"The government has been aware of the power of the internet for some time and it has become a major way for the Party to gauge public opinions," said Jeremy Goldkorn, founder of the popular China media website Danwei.org.
Goldkorn cited two much-publicized live Internet chat sessions between netizens and Hu and Wen.
"Although politically incorrect messages will surely be censored on this board, there may still be a genuine feedback mechanism even for those posters," Goldkorn said.
The website was launched last week by the People's Daily, the official newspaper of the Communist party.
More at CNN.

Jeremy Goldkorn is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch.

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