Friday, February 16, 2007

labor - China intends to sign ILO-treaty against forced labor

China has approached the ILO, the Geneva-based UN organisation for labor, says Mrs Yun Gao Boehmer, who is running a specialprogramm for the ILO on forced labor, according to the (unlinkable) AFP, because they intend to ratify the ILO-treaty against forced labor.
"China has approached us, because they want to sign the treaty," she said in French. "It is very important they sign this treaty." China is now one of very few countries that has not signed this treaty.
Experts see this as a possible move ahead of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing to abolish the labor camps in the country.
Officially China says there are three issues at stake:
1. the treatment of Chinese migrants to European countries and the US;
2. the camps for "re-education" in China, currently holding about 300,000 detainees;
3. forced labor by private enterprises in China who withhold salaries and hold workers hostage in that way.

Update: This quite important news is still spreading pretty slow. It might be the holidays. At least it reached Italy.

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