Thursday, April 05, 2007

China power list: the top 50

Hu Jintao: nr.1

The Chatham House in London has published a first edition of its top-50 most influential people in China. A good initiative that for sure is going to cause a lot of debat.
One solid criterium is that you have to be alive, but otherwise everything goes.
Some of the longer explanation:
The list has two useful functions. First, the people on it really do have the power to affect the lives of citizens around the world, and we need to know much more about them. Second, the list will illuminate common points of power in modern China and in the outside world. Is China in 2007 as dominated by the influence of the wealthy as is the United Kingdom? Or does "purer" political influence - a good background, good political connections - matter more?

You will find people like Bill Gates and the younger George Bush on the list and that is causing some debate already. Of cause, in this digital age, you can not only see the list, but also add, comment and vote here

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