Sunday, April 22, 2007

The professional speakers' business

Yes, yes, we might have a deal before the May holiday and even if that does not work out, the lift-off of our Speakers' Bureau is near. A speakers' bureau organizes professional speakers against a percentage of their speakers' fee. That is a pretty simple business model, and so we thought it was necessary to link up with an solid international network that cannot be copied that easy.
Many people have already called me (or got in touch through digitally more advanced methods) and asked me how they can get into this business as a speaker. Since I will be in charge of the speakers' side of the new company I'm happy to explain the procedure a bit. In principle we are looking for professional speakers, so we follow the principle "Don't call us, we call you". If we have not noticed you speaking, there is something wrong.
That could be us. In Shanghai, our network is pretty ok, but we might still miss good speakers in Beijing and other parts of China. If you think we have missed you wrongly (or if you want to speak up for somebody else), do invite us for your speeches. Drop me an email, and I or one of my colleagues will come, since we love to see good speakers in action. We have to recommend speakers to our future clients, so when we have seen you, that works better. In the end, you do not have to convince us, but we have to convince our clients. Also, when you have more questions, let me know.
Becoming a member of the Professional Speakers Association (PSA) is an excellent idea and we will be teaming up with the China chapter of the PSA soon. They are now in an accreditation procedure for the international organization, so we a both in the same boat.
Being a professional speaker is not enough though, you also need the background and expertise that might be wanted by our future customers. In short: it helps if you have something to say and are an authority in that field. We cannot be all Alan Greenspan, but people do have to be desperate in need of your presence. Very soon, we will publish the list of people we have been signing up already.
This in short, more will follow very soon.

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