Monday, May 14, 2007

Angry customer sues China Telecom for GFW

In a rare display of trust in the Chinese legal system, an angry customer of China Telecom sues the company because their corporate website in the US could not be accessed. A website has been set up with information about the case.
After a month and many messages back and forth, China Telecom investigated. They told me that the problem was caused by a "*non replicable reason*". They could do nothing. Also, China Telecom cannot or will not provide a reason on paper.
Such a reason could be acknowledged by a court. China Telecom will only tell me by telephone.
The ambition of the suit are great: it not only wants to change the current murky situation of the censorship on the internet, even a change of the constitution is on the agenda. It all sounds a bit much for me, but you can to on May 29 to Pudong to attend the court case. More at the website.

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