Tuesday, September 18, 2007

"Where were the guys at Mattel?" - Bill Fischer

Blaming China for anything that goes wrong has become fashionable, writes IMD-professor and Chinabiz Speaker Bill Fischer in his latest column for Chinabiz.
... where were the guys at Mattel or the dog food companies when these products were being accepted for sales in foreign markets? Were they asleep? Are they not getting paid for doing a job that they didn't do? If you want to outsource anywhere, you need to be vigilant in ways and places that you didn't have to be before. And, if you can't do that, then it's not China's fault, it's yours!


The China Tattler said...

The media in the US are out to demonise China.

They should really be pointing the finger at the Executives at US companies that don't seem to perform any quality control testing before allowing the products onto the market.

Scapegoating is an American past time, as long as it is a acceptable scapegoat.

Judith Lautner said...

Actually, Mattel has strict standards for how their products are produced and what is used in their manufacture. They even regulate wages and other compensation. What happened in their case is that their overseas watchdogs were not watching.

They have pledged not to take their oversight consultants for granted, but to check up on them more effectively.

It is unfortunate that Mattel has been painted with the same brush that other companies actually deserve - companies that do nothing to protect rights of workers or quality of products produced outside our borders. I'm not saying they are completely blameless but Mattel is a far more responsible company than way too many others.