Wednesday, June 15, 2011

China's green energy gains from Fukushima - Bill Dodson

Bill Dodson
The chain of disasters at the nuclear plan in Fukushima have cause a shock in China's energy policies, but solar and wind power industries in particular are beneficiaries of Japan’s nuclear tragedy, writes energy expert Bill Dodson.

Bill Dodson:
The Chinese alternative energy business has found ways to turn danger into opportunity...

The tsunami and subsequent China State Council moratorium provided Chinese manufacturers of solar panels welcome relief. With an estimated doubling solar manufacturers in China from two hundred to four hundred in 2010, analysts and regulators braced the markets for a consolidation that would see the under-capitalized and the unsophisticated go out of business or be bought out by larger companies. Instead, the tsunami swept new life into the marketplace.
In 2010 China surpassed its 2020 target of 30-gigawatts installed wind power capacity by as much as 15-gigawatts. However, nearly 30-percent of the wind turbines installed in China are not connected to grids to provide electricity. Central government planners, it seemed, had little control over local priorities as only 26 of the 187 wind farms established in 2010 were actually approved by central government. Nevertheless, the Fukushima incident if anything seemed to encourage the development of even more wind power energy.  BJX News cited estimates of wind power taking as much as half the 300-gigawatts slated for alternative energy production in 2020. Nothing, it seems, will dent China’s momentum in developing its alternative energy sources.
More at (registration compulsory).

Bill Dodson is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch.
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