Showing posts with label Haier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Haier. Show all posts

Friday, January 31, 2014

Betting on quality pays off for Haier - Bill Fischer

Bill Fischer
Bill Fischer
Among the Chinese companies becoming fast household names among global players, Haier was one of the first to enter the word arena. Haier´s CEO Zhang Ruimin has put his bets early on quality, explains IMD professor Bill Fischer in The Corner, and that explains why he is winning now.

The Corner:
Zhang had it all figured it out, explains Bill Fischer Professor of Innovation Management at IMD business school in Lausanne, Switzerland.  “Zhang thought at some point China would be a market where quality would be appreciated. He believed (in such market) there would be brands whose one of their features would be quality as a differenciator.” 
And so, Zhang began to make small and progressive changes to develop a brand capable of fulfilling the promise of quality, always with the guarantee of an excellent costumer service. “He succeeded and foreign brands started coming into China to compete against Haier,” says Fischer. The ideal scenario for China would be that many local brands could achieve Haier’s reputation and capacity for innovation. And thus they’d become Ambassadors of a new made in China, most sophisticated and exclusive... 
According to the philosophy behind Zhang’s vision for Haier, the quality of products is strictly linked to management. And therefore, product innovation is a logical outcome of management innovation, explains Fischer.  Haier has now five innovation and R&D centers in China, Japan, Australasia, Europa and the U.S.A. intended to develop a global working ecosystem.
More in The Corner.

Bill Fischer is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers´request form.

Are you a media representative and do you want to talk to one of our speakers? Do drop us a line.
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Monday, November 18, 2013

China lacks big dreamers - Bill Fischer

Bill Fischer
+Bill Fischer 
Innovation is no stranger in China, as CEO's of Baidu, Tencent, Haier, Alibaba and Huawei show. But it is only a handful, argues IMD professor and leading author on innovation Bill Fischer in the Harvard Business Review. There is not a innovative culture, although Haier offers hope.

Bill Fischer:
Yet, all of these Chinese big dreamers are also at the top of their organizations and have the power to move their dreams as well as author them.  In fact, at this point in time, it’s still hard to drill deeper into most Chinese organizations to identify who the dreamers really are — those whose dreams can carry an organization forward, especially for expatriate managers who are limited by culture and language in their ability to truly assess the potential of their talent. 
For those operating in China, this is, indeed, a quandary. You look around at the resources that characterize China’s wealth, and see human talent that has to be among the most promising on the planet.  It’s a big country, filled with smart, ambitious people, but who are the ones who are dreaming big enough? 
One lesson on how to address this question comes, ironically, from an old-economy company.What white-goods producer Haier has chosen to do is to offer every employee (and there are 80,000 of them) the opportunity to effectively become the CEO of a real operating company, provided that their dreams have real merit. Searching for new ideas at Haier involves a competitive screening of business model proposals, open to all, out of which projects and project leaders are chosen. 
Project proposals that are selected become the basis for self-organizing, autonomous business units, led by the proposal author, and responsible for not only their own staffing, but also for the design, manufacturing and marketing of the resulting product. They literally are small companies who must face all of the same business decisions that we typically associate with larger companies. What’s different, in Haier’s case, is that the opportunity is offered to all, and selection is based on the quality of the proposal. As they say at Haier: “Haier doesn’t offer you a job, it offers you an opportunity.”  As an illustration of this, in one example that we studied (for three-door refrigerators), the leader of this business — who was chosen in a business model competition — was in his early 40s, at most, and yet was running a $1.5 billion business after two years.  It’s something that could never have happened in most other large, complex organizations. More in the Harvard Business Review.
Bill Fischer is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers' request form.  

China Weekly Hangout

Labor camps, the one-child policy, hukou's, pollution, internet censorship, state-owned companies, energy policy: they are just a few of the subjects that appeared last week in the 21,000 character document released after the Third Plenum of the Communist Party, spelling out reform plans for the coming years.
The +China Weekly Hangout plans to discuss some of those plans and will ask panelist whether the Third Plenum did bear a mouse or an elephant. Pending a few logistical challenges, we will hold our online meeting on 21 November at 10pm Beijing time, 3pm CET and 9am EST. We will pick subjects, depending on the expertise of the people joining us on Thursday, and summarize with the question how likely it is president Xi Jinping will pull off the planned reforms.

Can China innovate, asked the +China Weekly Hangout on October 21 2012, a discussion with political scientist +G. E. Anderson and China consultant at-large Janet Carmosky. Moderation by +Fons Tuinstra of the China Speakers Bureau

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Saturday, October 12, 2013

The China model: replacing middle management by competition - Bill Fischer

+Bill Fischer 
When Japanese ways to organize business like Just-In-Time hit the world, it changed how companies work profoundly. China has not yet produced such a disruptive model, but white-good producer Haier might just be on the way, says IMD-professor Bill Fischer in Business Week, by replacing middle management by internal competition. 

Instead of following a top-down organizational flowchart, the company—which has 80,000 employees—is subdivided into self-organizing internal units. Each unit has the power to vote out ineffective leaders. New projects are staffed via an internal talent pool, wherein employees are evaluated based on their interests, credentials, and past achievements. 
“Everything is up for bids and competitive,” Fischer says. Employees are propelled from assignment to assignment based on their aptitudes and willingness to take on new responsibilities. He cites the example of a successful internal bid to launch a three-door refrigerator model; the winning bid was submitted by a 36-year-old who “never would have had the chance to lead in a normal Chinese company because he wasn’t senior enough.” Moreover, compensation is based upon competence, not seniority—as is the norm in China and elsewhere. “Now they’re trying to build an internal social media platform to determine who’s available for new projects and how well they’ve performed in the past,” says Fischer. 
Haier’s other big management innovation is to view its customers as assets in product development, not simply as revenue stream. Thus, Haier employees who interface directly with customers have an elevated role in decision-making because they are seen as channeling valuable business intelligence. This turns upside-down the usual help-desk model, in which staffers answering the phones are usually the lowest on the totem pole, relegated to repeating prewritten talking points. 
“We now take periodic product revolutions for granted, but not management revolutions,” says Fischer. “Most of us are still following the management principles of people long dead. Zhang is willing to experiment.” And it’s an ongoing experiment. As Zhang himself wrote in Harvard Business Review: “People respect the leadership of an organization for different reasons in different periods.”
More in Business Week.

Bill Fischer is the co-author of Reinventing Giants: How Chinese Global Competitor Haier Has Changed the Way Big Companies Transform

Bill Fischer is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers' request form.

China Weekly Hangout

A discussion at the +China Weekly Hangout on June 6 on the way the EU and the US are dealing (of fail to deal) with China, with negotiation expert +Andrew Hupert from New York, Swiss lawyer +Nathan KAISER from Taipei and political analyst +Steve Barru from Denver, Colorado. Moderated by +Fons Tuinstra of the China Speakers Bureau.
Devastating pictures of tourist areas in the Golden week of October showed again that taking a holiday together with 428 million others is not always a good idea, even though a growing number might go abroad. The now adjusted system of Golden Week was introduced to encourage consumer spending - still high on the political agenda. But would a paid leave, where you can decide yourself your holidays, be a good alternative? Some love the ideal, others loath it. And what is worse, many Chinese would most likely not take their holidays, but try to cash in at the end of the year. That would cause consumer spending to drop. What would you do? How did you spend your holidays in October, and what would be a good alternative? Join the +China Weekly Hangout on Thursday 17 October, 10pm Beijing Time, 4pm CEST(Europe) and 10am EST (US/Canada). You can leave your remarks here, but during the event you can also ask questions and remarks using the Question tool at the event page here. At the event page you can also register for participation at the hangout. (You can read our initial announcement here.)
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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Haier: organizing entrepreneurs, not workers - Bill Fischer

Bill Fischer
+Bill Fischer 
China's electronics manufacturer Haier has become one of the world's leading firm in renewing its way to organize production. IMD-professor Bill Fischer explains in how workers are organized like entrepreneurs, working on their own fate.
Fischer: Zhang Ruimin, the chief executive officer, will tell you there's a very Confucian element in what they do because there's respect for order, there's discipline and people get along because they have a shared tradition. I will tell you that it stems from choices by management that created this culture. The managerial choices at Haier are very thoughtful. They're all aimed at the vision and the vision has been consistent for 30 years. I think you can do this even if you're not Chinese. The official work hours at Haier are 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., six days a week, but teams rarely leave before 8:00 p.m. Investment bankers and entrepreneurs in United States can relate to those kinds of hours, but how would this go over at most U.S. companies? Fischer: The difference is the people at Haier think of it as working for themselves. They're really running small businesses under the corporate umbrella. What Haier has done is say to people: ‘You are the masters of your own fate. You're going to run this business and you'll succeed economically as a direct result of your performance." There's a saying at Haier that Haier doesn't give you a job, it offers you an opportunity. That's different from serving your time or clocking in and clocking out. These people really feel they are CEOs of small businesses and they are, actually., this isn't a free-for-all.
Fischer: Not at all. Performance is being measured in the marketplace and it's also being measured by the colleagues who have a direct financial stake and career stake in the outcome of the unit's performance. It's a very performance-driven atmosphere. At Haier you get every day a sense of what your total salary will be based on the performance of your unit. Every day they're facing those realities for better or worse. One thing I hear a lot from people is "We could never give up that much control." My sense is you need discipline and creativity but they don't have to be mutually exclusive. The most creative organizations I see are also very disciplined.
More in

 Bill Fischer is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers' request form.

China Weekly Hangout 

What is behind due diligence firms in China, we asked ourselves as one of the leading voices in the industry, Peter Humphrey was arrested last summer for illegal business practices. The +China Weekly Hangout will discuss due diligence of the due diligence firms on September 25. You can read our announcement here, or register for participation at our event page. Joining us from Taiwan is Miguel De Vinci (aka 李洛傑).

China's companies are going global, including its internet giants. The +China Weekly Hangout joined the debate on September 5. Should Facebook, Twitter and Google+ worry now Tencent, Baidu, Sina, Alibaba and Xiaomi have plans to expand globally. Not yet, said investor +William Yung, media-expert +Paul Fox and +Tech in Asia editor +Steven Millward. Well, maybe Whatsapp should. Moderation by +Fons Tuinstra of the China Speakers Bureau.
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Monday, August 26, 2013

Haier, taking the middle management out - Bill Fischer

Bill Fischer
Bill Fischer
Home appliances manufacturer Haier has become of of the leading forces in China's drive for innovation, says IMD-professor Bill Fischer in the People's Daily. "Reinventing Giants" is a recent book he co-authored focuses on Haier's transformation process: the middle management is taken out.

The People's Daily:
In the new structure, the customers' needs are learnt by the sales team and fed back to Haier's top managers, who make decisions about the company's strategies based on this information. The role of middle management is taken out of the model.
"Once customers are at the top, why do you need middle management? Is it to manage the top managers?" Fischer asks. "No. Many companies in the world say that they put customers first without knowing what it means. But Haier has executed it well." 
At Haier, the company's management structure pivots around ZZJYTs (zi zhu jing ying ti,which in English means independent operation units). 
Each new project or market opportunity leads to the formation of a ZZJYT, a dedicated small team of workers with a separate budget, functioning almost like an independent company. Fischer and his co-authors studied Haier's three-door- refrigerator ZZJYT in detail. First a leader is selected who is then responsible for recruiting the team. The ZZJYT model inspires entrepreneurial spirit in workers, Fischer says. It gives them decision-making power and motivation to work hard because their salary is directly related to the performance of the unit. The key benefit of the ZZJYT arrangement is fast response to customer needs, he says,but such a structure requires courage by a company's top management to implement it.
More in the People's Daily. Bill Fischer is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers' request form.

China Weekly Hangout
Shadow banking is on the agenda of the +China Weekly Hangout for Friday 30 August, featuring shadow-banking expert assistant professor Sara Hsu You can read or announcement here, ask questions, or register for live participation at our event page.

Discussion on the ability of China to innovate, by the +China Weekly Hangout  on October 11, 2012, with political scientist +G. E. Anderson and China consultant at-large Janet Carmosky. Moderation by +Fons Tuinstra of the China Speakers Bureau.
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Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Haier is “insanely curious” - Bill Fischer

Bill FischerHaier, China's famous electronics firm who started already to go global in the 1990s, is “insanely curious”, tells IMD professor Bill Fischer in the Business Spectator. Fischer is the co-author of a new book on innovative strategies Reinventing Giants: How Chinese Global Competitor Haier Has Changed the Way Big Companies Transform.

The Business Spectator:
As for Haier, its founder Zhang Ruimin is an avid reader of business literature and a Drucker-quoting member of a management mutual appreciation society that includes Michael Porter and Gary Hamel. IMD professor Bill Fischer, co-author of Reinventing Giants, a new book about Haier, says the company is “insanely curious”. But it is pursuing “revolution by accretion”, with each new development built on the last. Even Haier’s autonomous business units trace their roots back to Japanese quality improvement programs that the Chinese company adopted in the 1980s.
More in the Business Spectator.

Bill Fischer is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers' request form.

China Weekly Hangout

Can China innovate, was the question the +China Weekly Hangout addressed in October 2012 with political scientist +G. E. Anderson and China consultant at-large +Janet Carmosky. Moderation by +Fons Tuinstra of the China Speakers Bureau.

On July 1 Hong Kong we saw the annual march against Beijing rule. The +China Weekly Hangout will examine on Thursday July 11 (delayed hangout from July 4) the turnout, and how the relationship between Hong Kong and Beijing has developed, since China took over the former British enclave. You can read our announcement here, or join the debate at our event page here.
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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The corporate reinvention - Bill Fischer

Bill Fischer
Bill Fischer
Most companies in trouble restructure, scale down, very few are able to reinvent themselves. But it can be done, writes IMD-professor Bill Fischer in Forbes. Soon a book on the Chinese company Haier, one of the companies who reinvented itself, co-authored by Bill Fischer, will appear.

Bill Fischer:
When done right – here, I’m thinking IBM, Haier, Telekom Malaysia – the results can be impressive. The organization is given an entirely new start, and rather than being a confused incumbent under attack, they can be granted additional life as a result of taking bold and daring choices.  But, if you are Kodak, RIM or Nokia, for example, you find yourself a victim of major disruption from outside,  as your key products and services are being preempted by unexpected, and imaginative market entrants [namely, Apple, Samsung and Google] who have completely changed the products and business models that you had built your long-term success on, and the industry and value-chains that you were a part of, removing the very bedrocks of your past success upon which you had most likely planned your future. If you are SONY, Dell, or Yahoo, on the other hand, your problems are more likely internal: your own organization, or the constraints you have placed on it, have let you down and you lack the visionary leadership that brought you success not so long ago. With either success or failure, however, the outcome is more the result of leadership than anything else.
More in Forbes. 

Bill Fischer is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers' request form. Telecom giant Huawei is still one of the Chinese companies that has to reinvent itself, concluded the China Weekly Hangout on October 18, 2012. Present are +David Wolf, who wrote a book on Huawei and China veteran +Andrew Hupert. Moderation by +Fons Tuinstra of the +China Speakers Bureau.
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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Consumers continue to spend on home decoration - Shaun Rein

Shaun Rein
China's consumers continue to spend, despite a small dip in growth, also for decorating their homes, argues business analyst Shaun Rein, and goes against JWT executive Tom Doctoroff, who says Chinese consumers go for cheaper products. Shaun Rein dismantles three consumers myths in Business Week.

Shaun Rein:
Tom Doctoroff, chief executive officer of J. Walter Thompson Shanghai, argues that Chinese consumers are not willing to spend more than the minimum on items inside their homes. Concerned with the projection of outward status, Doctoroff believes Chinese won’t spring for foreign appliance brands if they can’t show them off to others and will instead opt for cheaper, good-enough domestic brands such as Haier or Gree. 
Doctoroff’s conclusions, however, don’t match the results of 500 interviews China Market Research Group conducted with people whose net worths are over $500,000. We found that 90 percent of well-off respondents preferred big-ticket item household appliances from foreign brands such as Samsung andSiemens (SI). In fact, most of them bought only foreign-brand appliances, explaining they felt the non-Chinese names had better functions and underlying technology. 
What’s more, as we broke down home spending room by room, one of the key areas female consumers focused on—and where spending was growing fastest—was the bedroom. They particularly were interested in high-quality sheets and mattresses. These are items that have nothing to do with showing off to friends, most of whom would likely never see the inside of their bedrooms. These purchases are all about consumers pampering themselves. One 28-year-old Shanghai woman told me why she spends so much on linens: “I work hard and want to feel like a princess at home.” 
While it is true that “showing you’ve arrived” is often an important driver in spending patterns, companies should not be so fixated on this concept that they ignore an important shift that is going on: Consumers are increasingly willing to spend extra to indulge themselves.
More in Business Week.

Shaun Rein and Tom Doctoroff are both speakers at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need one of them (or both) at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers' request form.
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