Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Cheese that tastes like chocolate

Paul French gave today a closing speech at the opening of a food additive company of DSM in Shanghai and did a great job. After a day with the usual overload, Paul added a lighter note with a whole row of anecdotes. The enthusiastic audience will certainly remember some of the business battle stories Paul told.
I found his story about the cheese best. While a part of the Chinese have started to drink coffee, cheese has not yet conquered a place in the Chinese menu. So, he was working with a European cheese market who came up with this brilliant idea of making cheese that tastes like chocolate.
"Why you do not make chocolate, if you want to sell something that tastes like chocolate," Paul suggested. But he could not convince his client. We all thought this product is not going to make it.
When DSM asked us for a food expert to speak at the opening of their plant, we thought it would be a pretty tough assignment for our speakers' bureau, but it went down pretty ok. Mostly somebody of our sales department joins at the speeches, but this is a great way to see how things work out in real life.

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