Thursday, June 20, 2019

Western marketeers fail to connect with China consumers - Ashley Dudarenok

Ashley Dudarenok
Western marketers rely on stereotypes of the Chinese consumers, rather than connecting with them, says China marketeer Ashley Dudarenok in the Holmes Report. "The relatively sudden rise of the Chinese consumer, has given rise to a number of stereotypes," she adds.

The Holmes Report:
Ashley Galina Dudarenok, a Chinese marketing expert and digital marketing leader, said Western marketers are failing to connect with Chinese consumers, also because they rely on stereotypes rather than really learning about Chinese consumers, and all their nuances. 
“Brand managers, primarily with Western backgrounds, believe they understand what China looks like based on the last 300 years of Chinese cultures, not really what China was for thousands of years,” Dudarenok said. 
That, and the relatively sudden rise of the Chinese consumer, has given rise to a number of stereotypes — that Chinese either have no money or are drowning in it, and that they are out to conquer the West economically, she said.
More in the Holmes Report.

Ashley Dudarenok is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need her at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers' request form.

Are you looking for more consumption experts at the China Speakers Bureau? Do check out this list.  

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