Kaiser Kuo |
"No comment." Few of our speakers have been quoted so often by the mainstream media saying nothing. Kaiser Kuo easily made it into the top-position of most-sought speakers for April as he was - and still is - unable to say anything about a possible cooperation between his company Baidu and Facebook. It has not reduced his popularity in our top-10.
He even passed Shaun Rein, who had a top-month in doing the opposite: saying things that matter. Shanghai Disney, inflation, IKEA, Fukushima, Google and the luxury goods market: almost no day passed without mainstream media quoting Shaun Rein.
Most popular newcomer is certainly Bill Dodson, whose book, China Inside Out: 10 Irreversible Trends Reshaping China and its Relationship with the World
Our top-10 of most-sought speakers for April (March in brackets)
- Kaiser Kuo (2)
- Shaun Rein (1)
- Victor Shih (10)
- Paul French (3)
- William Overholt (7)
- Tom Doctoroff (5)
- Arthur Kroeber (4)
- Bill Dodson (-)
- Helen Wang (8)
- Wendell Minnick (6)
Bill Dodson |
(We have an early release of our top-10 as we are preparing to move our China Speakers Bureau website, and counting system, into Wordpress. You might notice some disturbances on the line, as we move on.)
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