Friday, November 23, 2018

No fast end to the trade war - Arthur Kroeber

Arthur Kroeber
The upcoming Trump-Xi meeting in Argentina generates some hope, but economist Arthur Kroeber, author of China's Economy: What Everyone Needs to Know®, does not expect a fast end to the ongoing trade war between the world's largest economies, he tells at NPR.

ARTHUR KROEBER: I think people in the U.S. government are just, like, fed up with all of the WTO commitments that China made and then essentially evaded where they promised to do this, that and the other thing, and then basically did nothing. 
SCHMITZ: Arthur Kroeber is author of "China's Economy: What Everyone Needs To Know." He says he's not holding out hope for a deal between the U.S. and China anytime soon. 
KROEBER: There's a very strong feeling, I think, throughout many aspects of the U.S. government that China is not a trustworthy interlocutor. They've made commitments that are not meaningful and that they don't follow through on and that it is just not worth having more conversations. 
SCHMITZ: Kroeber calls the notion that Trump and Xi will reach a breakthrough at the G-20 a big nothing burger, and he expects U.S. tariffs on Chinese imports to increase from 10 percent to 25 percent on the rst day of 2019 as scheduled. Time is running out for negotiations between the two sides. China's lead trade negotiator, Liu He, has just announced he'll visit Germany in the days leading up to the G-20, making it increasingly likely the U.S. and China will not be negotiating a deal anytime soon.
More at NPR.

Arthur Kroeber is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers' request form.

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